Christmas 2014

Baie St. Paul Vacation Home Relaxing in the living room
View over the St. Lawrence River from our Vacation home
Back side of the vacation home

Playing some guitar for Grandma Lunch time

Dinner time Marie's special pork & beans dinner
The dinner stretch
Guitar with Mom
Sledding on the hill behind the house
Pierre's family
The Perron-Tremblay family
Marie's family
Le Massif de Charlevoix
Alex carving through the glades
The infamous La Tremblay run
Skiing down to the St Lawrence River

Cross-country skiing with Remy

Two sweeties skiing together

Marie relaxing with her boys
More relaxing

Christmas pancakes!!
Waking up on Christmas morning :)

A mountain of gifts!!
Brotherly love!!

Christmas carols
Getting ready to open the presents!!

A beautiful scarf for Mom!!
An apron and gloves for Dad!!

Guitar music for Mom
More presents

Christmas afternoon hike below the vacation house
Enjoying an oceanside view

Descending to the St. Lawrence
The expert route to the beach
Walking along the tidal flats
The Le Massif ski area train shuttle to the hotel
Relaxing on the beach
Christmas dinner!!
Our final dinner at the Mouton Noir
Group photo!!

Relaxing in the hot tub after another day on the slopes!!

Last Update: Norm Vaughan 2014-12-28