Ryerson University Trip – November 2014

Eric and Norm on the McGill Campus

Saturday night smoked meat dinner at Ruebens

Homework on Saturday afternoon :)

3770 Rue Dominique

Sharing an afternoon moment of sunshine with James McGill

Retiring Guy Lapointe's #5 Jersey at Bell Centre

Getting ready for a BIG Saturday night !!

Phil heading to the Ted Rogers Management School on Bay Street

Phil in his office making last minute preparations for his class

Phil in the "zone" in the classroom

Fall colours on the Ryerson University campus
Ryerson's inner courtyard

Ryerson University now owns Maple Leaf Gardens

Ryerson's connection with Teacher Education

Parking garage on campus

The entrance to the Physical Education centre and the front edifce of the olde Teacher College

Me with Nancy Walton the Director or eLearning for Ryerson University

Last Update: Norm Vaughan 2014-11-14